RECREOS ACTIVOS. 28 de noviembre.

Arrancan las diferentes ligas de los recreos activos. Sigue el calendario y los resultados en nuestra cuenta de Instagram.

Taller de Swing. Chictuchic Academy.

Alumnado de la ESO y Bachillerato recibieron la visita del Iltmo. Sr. Alcalde y del Concejal de Deportes durante la celebración del taller de swing impartido por «Chictuchic Academy».

Campaña de recogida de Banco de Alimentos. 26 de noviembre.

Alumnado de 1º Bachillerato, voluntarios en la gran recogida organizada por Banco de Alimentos.

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Día Mundial de la Filosofía. 17 de noviembre. A hombros de Gigantes.

Ganadores del Concurso «Fronteras y Justicia Global»: Juan Pombo (1ºBCB), Alejandro Páez (2º BCB) y Candela Olmo (1º BAA/AB).

Yacimiento de Doña Blanca. Bodegas Gutiérrez Colosía. 11 de noviembre. Alumnado del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior de Guía, Información y Asistencias Turísticas.

Inmersión lingüística en Dublín

After 3 years without any activities in a foreign country, our students in 1º Bachillerato have had the opportunity to travel to Dublin. This time, with the help of the company Azur Education.

Our students have spent a week in Dublin, combining lessons in a school with excursions and visits to different landmarks of the city: Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Howth, the bridges over the river Liffey… and many others. During this time they stayed with Irish families as part of a totally immersive experience.

Thank you so much to our teacher Alicia Gómez, who is a fantastic organizer and travelling companion

Happy Halloween

Halloween in El Lara

This year our students in Vocational Traning have prepared a delicious Spooky Brunch at school for the students in 1st ESO.

In addition,  they have recorded some audios about Halloween and the preparation of the food. Students can listen to the audios in their Classroom Group and answer the questions in an online questionnaire.

Besides, all students can participate in El Lara Spooky Writing Competition.

Thank you to all teachers in Vocational Training for making this breakfast possible.

Halloween en el Laboratorio de Física y Química. Alumnado de 2º ESO.